
My name is Amy Egan.  I am a Registered Nurse in the state of Arizona.  I received a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing from Boise State University in 1998.  I passed an AZ state board certified RN exam in 1998.  I began working in Medical Surgical Units and Renal Diabetic Units in Chandler and Mesa, AZ. I currently work with patients who have been discharged from the hospital (mainly Heart Failure patients) in telephonic health that are in a home care setting. I would like to tell my friend’s experience of COVID-19 to try to not only help people in the U.S., but also China.  I am hopeful in telling my friend’s story through my eyes will help our countries work together to be victorious against this virus. My friend who is my acupuncturist has saved my life with Traditional Chinese Medicine and I felt it was my duty to try to save her life as a nurse with my background in the hospital setting and Western Medicine in the United States. She has been my angel and now I have become her angel.

My acupuncturist, Dr. Qingsong Xiao Ph.D, O.M.D., L.Ac, has made a major impact on my life. I began going to her in 2010 (I believe around this date) when I wasn’t getting relief with doctors I had been going to and Western Medicine. I had issues for years with weight gain, weight loss, horrible insomnia, infertility and none of which were helped after going to over 10 doctors, NPs, PAs, Naturopaths, until I sought the care of Dr. Xiao.  I continued to seek treatment with her on and off and then more regularly in 2015 after continued unsuccessful attempts at another pregnancy.  I became pregnant and had my second baby 9/14/2016.  She has helped me with autoimmune thyroid postpartum issues and weight loss.  I am almost entirely back to normal and continue with acupuncture to maintain my quality of life.

I became ill with the flu in mid-January 2020. I stopped going to acupuncture because of this and this was the start of the coronavirus pandemic. After my symptoms had resolved, I continued to wear my N95 mask when I would go for acupuncture treatments. Dr. Xiao had to make an emergency trip to Beijing at the beginning of January. I have done treatments with the other acupuncturist in the office, Dr. Yan.  Dr. Xiao sent me a message at the beginning of March asking me if I had any extra N95 masks for she and her daughter Asia?  I had to work that week, so unfortunately, I could not give her masks. She and her daughter went on a class trip to Europe. She had come back from Europe right before President Trump closed the borders of Europe and I hadn’t heard from her. Then, on 3/15, I received a text message stating the office is closed due to COVID-19 for the safety of the patients. I sent her a text message back stating I was sad, but that I understood.  She then sent me a text asking me if I had been tested for coronavirus?  I told her “no, but that I had been positive for influenza A.” She then told me how she has had a fever and chest pain and went to the ER at Banner Desert Hospital and was tested for flu which was negative but that she was awaiting results of coronavirus testing. I immediately called her and determined she needed to go back to the ER as I could hear audible shortness of breath during the call. I told her to seek care at Honor Health in Osborn as I know of the infectious disease doctors at that hospital. On March 24, 2020 Dr. Xiao’s life was saved as I met her up at Osborn to make sure they would not discharge her again until she saw one of the infectious disease doctors at that hospital. She began a regimen of hydroxychloroquine 200mg BID x 5 days, azithromycin 500mg qd x 5 days and Zinc Sulfate 220mg qd x 5 days. She also received subcutaneous blood thinning medication (I believe Lovenox). She became better after 2 doses of treatment and was in the hospital 2 nights and is now fully recovered.  She can tell you if she believed these medications saved her life. I absolutely believe they did.

I believe many people are confused with this virus. I saw what happened to my good friend and am scared for many people in this country. Especially people like Dr. Xiao, who do not understand the hospital system, not only in our country, but our state.  I am hopeful that our story can get out there to help people and steer information when/where to go and maybe save lives of anyone who is being stricken with the severe symptoms of this disease.

Thank you,
Amy Egan